Fort Collins Beats Metro State

Metro State showed up short sided, so the Flamingos lent them 3 players. This was just the start of their problems today. The Flamingos scored first and were quickly followed by Metro’s only try. Fort Collins did some soul searching and decided they wanted to play rugby and began to play their game. The final score was Fort Collins 60 and Metro State 5.


Across Town, CSU was playing the Highlanders. The Highlanders also travelled light, so it was arrainged for Fort Collin’s B-side to meet CSU’s B-side. This was also a heated match, but the score was a lot closer. It also featured a Flamingo player getting yellow carded AND a Flamingo getting Red Carded Twice! Why twice? Because the player in question tried to replace an injured team mate, after he had already been ejected from the match. Fort Collins finished the match with only 12 players on the pitch, but still came out ahead at 17 to 10.